Your query letter is your foot-in-the-door of a publishing company. Here are some guidelines for writing a query letter. You want to peak the editor’s interest so he/she will want to read your book proposal, sample chapters, and ultimately the entire manuscript.
· Use your professional stationery.
· Find out the name of editor by calling the editorial department of the publishing company and asking who handles the type of material you're submitting.
· Attach a stamped, self-addressed, return envelope.
You can use this outline to fill in the specifics of your letter.
Editor’s name & title
Address of publishing company
Dear [name of editor]:
[Give the reasons you are contacting them: e.g., because they have done books on your subject or you published with them before.]
TITLE AND SUBTITLE will spread my unique message [subject hook and book hook, 2 paragraphs max]
[MARKET, 1 paragraph]
[AUTHOR BIO, 1 paragraph]
[PLATFORM, 1 paragraph—how you will promote the book]
[STATS] e.g., The manuscript is xx,xxx words and will be completed by xx. This book will ideally be packaged with xxx. It has the potential for foreign rights. I have material for several more books of xxx.
[THANK THEM. They are doing you a favor by reading your material.]
It is my sincerest hope that you will favorably receive and review this query. Thank you for your time and consideration. May I send you my completed book proposal?
Sincerely yours,